Together, We Forge a Better Path.

At Lymantria Press, we're a community of like-minded creators who believe there's a better way than the extremes of self-publishing or traditional publishing. We understand the frustration of going it alone and the apprehension of surrendering your work to others.

That's why we offer a middle ground. We bring over 20 years of industry expertise and skill to the table, empowering you with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed, all while keeping you firmly in control of your creative vision.


Empowering Independent Authors, Together

Lymantria Press is a women-led cooperative, a community of creative minds who believe in the power of independent voices. We were born from the frustration of traditional publishing, where gatekeeping and limited author agency often stifled creative freedom. Founded by author April Pereira, Lymantria Press envisions a space where authors receive professional support while retaining control of their work.

The landscape has shifted. While traditional publishers increasingly rely on authors for marketing and promotion, self-publishing has exploded into a multi-million dollar industry, even landing books on the coveted New York Times bestseller list. Yet, the self-publishing journey can be isolating, riddled with challenges and uncertainties.

We are your partner in this adventure.

Lymantria Press goes beyond just being a publisher. We are your publishing sidekick, your friend, and your confidante. We'll work with you to find your voice, navigate the publishing world, and turn your dream into a published reality.

Our Services

  • Design

    First impressions matter. Studies show a well-designed cover can boost your click-through rate by up to 50%, leaving a lasting impression that entices readers to dive deeper.

    Our team of skilled artists and graphic designers craft captivating illustrations at capture the essence of your story, sparking reader curiosity and igniting their desire to explore further.

  • Layout & Formatting

    They're captivated by your cover, but are they staying to read?

    Professional interior formatting is more than just aesthetics; it's the key to keeping readers engaged. From choosing the right font to perfecting line spacing and margins, we ensure your book's interior design is both beautiful and scientifically proven to encourage readers to turn the page.

  • Marketing & Promotion

    Your cover is stunning, your formatting is flawless – but how do you reach your audience?

    Building an author platform and promoting your book is a complex undertaking. We'll be your partner in navigating the world of social media, marketing, and publicity. From crafting a captivating online presence to developing a strategic outreach plan, we'll help you connect with readers and generate excitement for your work.

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  • Industry news: Stay ahead of the curve with insights and trends in the publishing world.

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